Acknowledgments & Reference resources



I’d like to acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation as the traditional custodians of this country and its waters.

I’d like to thank everyone who’s buddied up with me during dives. In other words, allowed me to creep behind them with my face stuck in the sand looking for critters. Special thanks to dive buddies and friends Conor Barker and Henry Carrick.

Divetub - For holding club dives, equipment needs and great service.

List of resources


iNaturalist - A very helpful community of amateurs and experts for identifying all taxa of critters worldwide. Special thanks to those part of the Australasian fishes Project

Atlas of Living Australia - A great resource for species of all taxa found in Australia.

Australian Museum - The museum has a great collection of “factsheets” for species of all taxa in Australia, They also have great digital records of specimens in their collection.

Fishes of Australia - I use this as my primary online fish ID resource. Very easy to identify broader fish taxon visually.

The Sea Slug Forum - Fantastic for any questions I may have for nudibranch and other sea slug identification. Unfortunately is discontinued and thus outdated.

Facebook Group Nudibase - Unbelievable how quickly people response with ID’s for nudibranchs and other sea slugs. A great community of experts and amateur enthusiasts. Includes a comprehensive list of resources in their page.


The Rottnest Island Fish Book - An fantastic little resource for identifying local fish species. Images allow for easy visual ID’s and includes both common and scientific names which makes it useful for everyone.

Sea Fishes of Southern Australia - A popular book for fish identification. Includes many temperate species that can be found in Perth.

Fishes of Tasmania - An older book I found at a thrift shop that has some great illustrations for a range of fishes. This book has a dichotomous key which is fantastic for getting to down to the more specific taxa.

A Guide to Squid, Cuttlefish and Octopuses of Australia - A great book for identifying cephalopods of Australia by distribution and visual characteristics. Includes a section for identifying cuttlefish shells via visual characteristics.

A Field Guide to Crustaceans of Australian Waters

More to be added